Why Won’t Dogs Eat?

Why Won’t Dogs Eat?
Your dog’s appetite is regulated by a complex mechanism that involves their brain, the fullness and distention of their stomach and intestines, and specific hormones. Appetite can be altered by medical conditions, behavioural conditions, environmental changes, or issues with the food itself.
When a dog has no appetite and isn’t eating food, this is called anorexia. Anorexia in dogs is not the same as anorexia nervosa in humans. When the dog has a decreased appetite but still eats some food, we call this hyporexia. If your dog has a normal appetite but physically can’t eat, this is called pseudoanorexia.
When your dog isn’t eating, your veterinarian must differentiate between conditions causing a lack of appetite and conditions causing an inability to eat.
How Long Can a Dog Go Without Food?
Most adult dogs can go three to five days without eating as long as they’re still drinking water. This doesn’t mean you should sit idle while your dog isn’t eating for several days! If your adult dog hasn’t eaten for two days but is otherwise acting normal, contact your veterinarian.
An exception to this rule is a dog diagnosed with diabetes. If your diabetic dog is skipping any meals, contact your veterinarian, because this lack of food may adversely affect their response to insulin.
Young puppies need to eat more often. Puppies skipping meals run the risk of developing low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Nursing puppies need to eat every two to four hours depending on their age. Puppies closer to two months generally need to eat at least three times per day.
If your puppy skips a normal meal and still seems uninterested in eating a few hours later, contact your veterinarian immediately, especially if they’re acting unlike themselves, vomiting, or having diarrhoea.
Can You Stimulate Appetite in Dogs?
Yes, you can try to stimulate your dog’s appetite at home by offering their favourite treats, making boiled chicken and rice, or warming up their food.
Your veterinarian may prescribe medication, if needed, to stimulate their appetite. In some cases, they may prescribe antinausea medication. Use only medication prescribed by your veterinarian.
Reasons Why a Dog Is Not Eating Their Food
The list of medical conditions that could decrease your dog’s food consumption is extensive. Below is a list of general categories of medical conditions that could cause anorexia or hyporexia in dogs, and examples of each.